Porsche PASM Suspension
Dashboard Warning Messages Explained
Meanings and Recommended Actions for Porsche
PASM Suspension Dashboard Warning Messages
Understanding Porsche PASM Suspension or Chassis System Error Dashboard Warning Messages
If you see a PASM failure message or warning light on your Porsche dashboard, it’s important to take the appropriate action. The message also can appear as chassis system failure or suspension fault. This section covers what to do when messages associated with PASM appear on your Porsche dashboard. If you see a message for PSM then head over to our PSM page.
Why PASM Faults Need to Be Diagnosed Quickly
The PASM system in your Porsche is an enhanced feature and critical safety system designed actively change the suspension characteristics for given different driving conditions.
Having a little fun and a sporty afternoon is better with firmer suspension and less body roll. On the other hand, a long road journey is always better with a soft and more compliant suspension. PASM allows the driver and the car to control the way the suspension reacts to the driving conditions.
The PASM or Chassis warning messages are never very specific. Problems in the system vary dramatically from a simple ride height sensor, through a leaking strut, to suspension pump problems. Confusingly, the system will always attempt to level the car at least across one axle if possible. This often disguises the actual problem and sets multiple faults.
The PASM system is connected to many of the vehicles operating systems including PSM. It is critical to performance driving safety and you should quickly have the fault investigated.
Here’s What to do When You See PASM Failure on Your Porsche Dashboard
Because the system is so much more than just ride height adjustment, we highly recommend you seek the professional guidance of a Porsche specialist to diagnose and make repairs to solve the PASM failure message.
The messages shown below are examples of the PASM failure in various models. If we helped you, please help us.
Porsche PASM or Chassis System Error Warning Messages

Comparing Porsche PASM or Chassis Warning Messages
There are potentially more messages and warning lights that can appear that are related to PASM. If you have and older Porsche with no message and just a light or symbol see our page dedicated to explaining Porsche dashboard warning lights and symbols.
Contact us or one of our recommended Porsche specialists to help you further.