Porsche Hybrid & Electrical System
Dashboard Warning Messages Explained
Meanings and Recommended Actions for Porsche
Hybrid, Battery, and Electrical System Dashboard Warning Messages
Understanding Porsche Hybrid, Electrical System, and Battery Dashboard Warning Messages
If you see a message or warning light on your Porsche dashboard related to hybrid, battery, or electrical systems, it’s important to take the appropriate action. This section covers what to do when messages associated with the hybrid and electrical systems on your Porsche appear on your dashboard.
Common Porsche Electrical System Warning Messages
Hybrid warning messages and battery messages in general can effect your ability to drive the car any significant distance and could leave you stranded. If you have a hybrid or electrical system warning message do not ignore it. Check our guide below to see how to react and what to do.
Porsche Electrical System Warning Messages
Fault Generator Park Vehicle Safely
This message indicates a low voltage charging condition in the electrical system. It could indicate a failed alternator, broken belt, or a bad battery.
Here’s what to do – The car will not continue to run for long if at all. You need to park the car and discover the source of the problem by testing the charging output from the alternator and the health of the battery.
See our article on how to diagnose battery problems.
Battery Low Inspection Needed
This message indicates the primary battery voltage is reading below the level needed to efficiently operate the vehicle.
What to do next – It’s likely the main bettery will need to be replaced but it’s important to understand why. Is the battery older (more than 5 years) or is the system not charging it correctly. Replacing a battery on newer cars sounds simple but a lot of faults and issues can occur when the battery is replaced. We recommend a Porsche specialist replace the battery for you.
Hybrid System Failure
This message indicates that the vehicles hybrid system has encountered a unrecoverable problem. Hybrid systems can be dangerous to work with and require special skills to diagnose and repair.
Here’s what to do – Do not drive the car and send it to a Porsche specialist that has the required hybrid skills to diagnose the problem.
Hybrid System Indicator
This screen and associated messages give you a clear indication of the health and functionality of the hybrid system. It includes the range and approximate charging state of the hybrid battery system.
Here’s what to do – nothing! This screen is for information purposes only. It simply communicates the approximate health of the hybrid battery and does not indicate any associated issues.
Hybrid – Park Vehicle Safely
This message indicates that the vehicles hybrid system is not functioning correctly. Hybrid systems can be dangerous to work on and require special skills to diagnose and repair. Do not attempt to repair yourself.
Here’s what to do – Do not drive the car and send it to a Porsche specialist that has the required hybrid skills to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs.
System Fault Visit Workshop
This message is very non-descriptive and indicates a fault in the electrical system.
What to do next – The best next step here is to send the car to a Porsche specialist. This message can often be related to the system gateway module and there are many reasons why this message would be shown. Don’t trust the car even if it will run. Take action promptly.
Comparing Porsche Electrical System Warning Messages
There are many more messages and warning lights that can appear that are related to hybrid and electrical system faults. If you have no message and just a light or symbol see our page dedicated to explaining Porsche dashboard warning lights and symbols.
Contact us or one of our recommended Porsche specialists to help you further.